
Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Thinking hard.

River is trying to decide if she wants to flop back down for a longer nap or try to convince me to give her more treats.  At least she knows that I won't give her a treat if she's going to fall asleep with it in her mouth, so that leaves doing both at once off the table!


  1. Why does she have the hardest dilemas? She should be able to enjoy both of them without having to give up one. River, you can have both.

  2. Looks like Mr. Giraffe and Scoots have already chosen a nap over treats! Maybe River can have a nap and then have treats when she wakes up?

  3. Hi Mónica!
    Noooo, she almost choked the last time she tried to combine napping and food. I was just glad that I have good hearing and keep Q-tips next to her cage so I could get the food out of her mouth in time! We both learned a valuable lesson that day.

    Hi Tarosagi!
    Yeah, she fell to peer pressure and took the longer nap option. The mid-afternoon pick-me-up treat was much appreciated!
