Thursday, June 20, 2024

Story time!

Our little chaos bun is flailing at a book on entropy while Amos is lured by the siren call of the spiral binding on a microbiology book.


Mónica López said...

Looks like we got two intellectuals here! Naomi being stretched to the max made me laugh so hard, I wonder if they think they will acquire knowledge through taste!

Tarosagi said...

Wow! What every smart buns! Looks like Naomi and Amos are both pursuing careers in STEM!

I do think learning about entropy suits Naomi well, she'll learn how mischief and messes are completely justified, it's the law, one of the law of thermodynamics!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!
Learning by osmosis is too slow, so you really have to internalize the material and eating books is the quickest way! ;)

Hi Tarosagi!
The hilarious thing is that Naomi is named after a character that is an engineer, so her being all chaos bun and going for the engineering books couldn't be more perfect for her personality! XD