
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Bunny drama: A tale of woe.

My food dish is EMPTY!
(Because he just ate it all.)


  1. My bun used to do that! He would "faint" near his dish and be like 'YOU ARE STARVING ME'. The best part was that it was half full because he had already eaten, but he refused to eat more unless it was not filled to the top. So we had to throw away whatever was left and fill it again so he could eat. If we tried to trick him, he refused to eat or flipped it over.

  2. Hi Mónica!

    Aww, he sounds like an ornery little munchkin! I think the only way you'd get around that is a smaller feeding twice a day.

    Now, Simon will have a mini conniption fit if he thinks there isn't enough fresh hay in his cage (yesterday's leftover hay simply won't do). We always have to have at least his body size of hay in his cage at all times for him to feel secure in the hay situation. Thankfully, he'll still eat the old with the new if we mix it up! Our best guess is that when he was a baby bun, he never got to eat his fill and that is the reason for him being so food-motivated/aware.
