
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Not to be out-done...

My dish is empty too!

Bunny Drama 2:  Food dish boogaloo.


  1. Oh yes, that's a more demanding bun! You were right, by the way, my bun was extremely ornery when it came to food (or my dad lol, he couldn't stand him), he would get nervous and start moving around the cage, sometimes even putting himself directly under the hand that was holding the bowl and blocking the path, that's how eager and dumb he was. Otherwise he was a pretty chill bun and spent his days enjoying my pets and kisses, peeing everywhere he desired, and laying in my parents room on his dragon blanket (our version of the purple towel haha).

  2. Hi Mónica!

    River definitely wins the 'goofiest begging face' contest! ;)

    Aww, it sounds like he was a well loved little munchkin! At least your little guy had the good sense to not knock the food dish out of the givers' hand, spilling them outside of the cage and thus delaying actually getting the pellets. River is guilty of repeatedly doing this and actually has the nerve to thump at me in impatience for the mess she caused. Meanwhile, Simon is sitting quietly in his cage just shaking his head at us.
