Wednesday, February 26, 2025


We took the bunnies to the vet to get their nails trimmed and this is Naomi trying to clean the human off of her.

They were both really well behaved, which was a relief because we expected Naomi to be bitey and Amos to flail like crazy.  (Usually we'd do this ourselves, but with them not being used to having it done and Amos' nails being almost black, I didn't trust my ability to do the job well and not traumatize the little fella.)

They both got a slice of banana for their bravery and they didn't seem to blame us for the nail trim, so that's a win!


Mónica López said...

Ew, yucky human smell! Nothing a good shower of bunny hork can't fix! I'm glad they were on their best behavior at the vet, bunnies with huge personalities can become unpredictable when it's vet and nail trimming time!

Tarosagi said...

Oh no the dreaded V.E.T!

Good on Amos and Naomi both! They were so well behaved and took their nail trimming like champs, they definitely need lots of banana slices in order to reinforce their positive behavior at the vet!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!
We were so glad that everybun behaved! I had suggested that they may need to put a cone of shame on Naomi to protect themselves, but it wasn't needed. They got lots of treats and praise after we got home, so hopefully next time will be more routine for them. :)