Wednesday, September 25, 2019

New rule.

Simon:  You're never allowed to get sick again! [gives kisses]
River:  I'll do my best.


Mónica López said...

How many mlems he is giving her! Why did she get sick?

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!

All of the mlems!

We aren't really sure if something spooked her overnight and she just stopped eating for a bit or if she may have conned one too many treats from the humans (we're usually pretty good about letting each other know we just gave them one and to not give in to the sad looking little bun who hasn't had a treat in 'forever'). She isn't showing any signs of shedding/eye issues/favoring a limb/problems with chewing or swallowing and her temperature is okay, so it likely isn't an infection of some sort. A bit of a mystery. We're just glad that she's slowly starting to eat normal food on her own again.