Ah, the aftermath of a nail trim--those looks of betrayal and hidden feet! If it weren't for the oats and cranberries, I'd have been voted off of the island long ago.
Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend! We'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.
One scared-looking bun and one very angry bun. :P
Omg all the mistrust and fear in their faces! I love how Simon is doing extra work to keep his feetsies hidden from you.
Hi Anon and Mónica!
They were both very wary of me even after accepting treats. Recidivism for my particular crime is high (every ~6 weeks), though they were acting like I was going to scoop them up and trim their nails again for fun.
You know that they're living the good life when the minor inconvenience of being picked up completely ruins their day! They've never been hurt during a nail trim, so it isn't fear of that and the whole process is done with within a few minutes. The hilarious part is that they always willingly go upstairs and into the bathroom we do this in ...the one room they never go into for any other reason. Bunnies are strange and mysterious little creatures! :)
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