Monday, June 22, 2020

Little game changer.

Looks like River is unwittingly playing a game of
hide-and-sneak!  This is a bold move on Simon's part and I'm not sure how you win this particular game.


Anonymous said...

River looks like princess shinning in the light

Mónica López said...

She also has been through an epic grooming session, because look at that ruffled fluff! I noticed that if you focus on her face, her eye kinda looks sad XD she knows what's coming but is an indulgent little sister hahaha
Also Simon's sneaky pose is so funny, the fact that he's on his tippy toes just cracks me up!

Courtney said...

Hi Anon and Mónica!

You're right--she's looking very regal with that pose!

She is rocking some serious bunny hork hair gel. It is funny how they humor one another and they really do seem to know what the other needs be it snuggles, a side-kick for an epic adventure, or to let the other bun be really bad at being sneaky. ;)