Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A bun with a plan.

Simon has set his sights on becoming King of the mountain of towels!  Their downy softness will make an acceptable throne for his fluffy butt.


Mónica López said...

Simon: I'm the King of towels! *flops*

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!

You called it--Simon flopped so hard on his little mountain of towels that he almost rolled right off of them! :)

Oooh, I've been meaning to ask: Are you able to see the reactions people give under each post? Since blogger switched formats, I'm not seeing anything on my end even on the old posts where I know something should be there. I'm not sure if it's a glitch on my end or if blogger isn't supporting that feature anymore and just nuked the entire thing from orbit.

Mónica López said...

From my computer yes, I am able to. Maybe it's just a temporary glitch?

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!

Oh, that's good to know--Thank you! It must just be a glitch on my end. I'll have to play around with my settings or something to see if I can sort it out.