Friday, April 29, 2022

All tuckered out.

Simon, are you up?  It's time to play!  Your door's open.  Hey!  Simon!!  Siiiimmmmoooon!!!

Being a good big brother is a tiring job.

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  Stay safe out there and we'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.


Alex said...

Looks like Simon has an alarm clock problem this morning !
I'm sure some treats can help :)

Tarosagi said...

Simon's tuckered out, looks like he's been doing a great job of being being big brother and showering River with lots of love. And now that River has rested she's eager to play, so hopefully River can figure out a way to imitate a treat bag rattle and that I'm sure will wake up Simon!

Mónica López said...

My favorite part is that she is probably screaming at him in bunny language. “SIMOOOOOOON! I'M BOOOORED! "

Courtney said...

Hi Alex!

Always! I think the little fella generally subscribes to the belief that morning should be postponed until he is better rested. ;)

Hi Tarosagi!

Lol--River would definitely over use the ability to make the sound of a treat bag! Poor Simon would constantly be hopeful for 3 seconds and then disappointed once he located where the sound came from. I'm pretty sure that Mr. Giraffe would have to act as a mediator at that point.

Hi Mónica!

Oh, you know it! The deaf little munchkin has absolutely no concept of volume control. XD