Monday, July 31, 2023


After a 15 minute noogie session, River is offended that she now smells like human and has to clean.  She's giving me an accusing stare like, "You know what you did.  Have you ever considered trying to smell less like human?!"


Mónica López said...

Wow I wonder how us humans must smell for bunnies, it has to be a terrible terrible odor for such vigorous self cleaning lol

Tarosagi said...

Since she'll have a taste of human after she's done grooming herself... I've heard that treats are a great palate cleanser!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!
Lol-You'd think I'd just put lotion on with the way our little drama queen was over-reacting! It's a good thing cranberries mask the taste of human. ;)