Monday, September 18, 2023

The bendy-eared superhero we deserve.

Don't worry--I'll protect you from Monday!!!


Mónica López said...

Awww he is even using his extra chonk to protect her from Monday! He really had it all.

Tarosagi said...

I love lop ear hugs and Simon is giving a great big ear hug to the two things he loves most River and the oats!

I could also use some Monday protection too Simon, thankfully I made it through the day with all the bunny cuteness I get from Simon and River!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!
The little fella really did! :)

Hi Tarosagi!
Oh, me too and I'm glad the little munchkins could help improve your Monday a bit. I'll give River a noogie and a treat for you!