Thursday, February 8, 2024

Floppin' rabbitude.

Who put this cage in my way?!  I'm floppin' here!

I love how River looks offended on Simon's behalf. 😅


Tarosagi said...

Oh no, what will the king of graceful flops do?! I'm glad that River is being super supportive of her brother in this trying time.

Hopefully Simon can brute force his rotation and push the cage so he can finish his flop!

Courtney said...

Hi Tarosagi!
I'm sure the little dude was trying to push the cage and only succeeded in scooting River across the carpet (probably why she's offended at the cage). ;)

Mónica López said...

Oh my, all the goofiness in a single bun! No wonder River looks so outraged at you having caught her bro in a very embarrassing position!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!
She was very protective of her big brother--only she was allowed to call him a goof! ;)