Thursday, June 13, 2024

Bunny curiosity.

Naomi:  [bracing the box from moving] So, what do you see back there?

Amos:  I can't see anything.  I'm not tall enough!

Naomi:  [bracing Amos' leg and the box] Okay, how about now?

Amos:  Still nothing.

Naomi:  [muffled] How about now?

Amos:  What are you doing?!  I don't care what's over there anymore.  Put me down!

Amos:  How do you erase a memory?  We're gonna pretend that never happened.

Naomi:  Whatever.  I'm too invested in this now.  What is back there?!


Mónica López said...

At first it was, 'awww so cute they are standing on their tippy toes!' then picture three came and WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING, that's taking shenanigans to a whole new level. But I don't think Amos was very appreciative of it lol

Tarosagi said...

Oh sweet little Amos! Poor little thing is just too small to make the climb into the land beyond the pillow!

I love how you were able to capture the entire event of Naomi doing her best to give Amos a boost and Amos' desperate climb and plea to get back down, and Naomi's curiosity emboldening her to proceed into the unknown!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!
I laughed way too hard when Naomi gave Amos the butt boost--I was not expecting that (and neither was he)! Poor Amos looked so scandalized and I'm sure my laughter didn't help.

Well, never let it be said that Naomi isn't helpful! XD