Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Gotta go faster!

Ears out for balance?  ✔

Leaning into the turn?  ✔

Using tail as a rudder?  ✔

According to Naomi's checklist, there's no way she won't achieve escape velocity soon.  (Her calculations are all very scientific!)  🚀🐇


Mónica López said...

It's just, a picture captured at the right moment can make them look so goofy. What kind of twisted pose is that lmao, photographed zoomies turns them into little contortionists!

Tarosagi said...

This is amazing! Just look at that picture, she's so graceful and aerodynamic, she's going really fast that soon she'll be using her bun propulsion to reach for the stars!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!
She is our little speed-racer bun! It usually ends in some form of chaos as she loses control of her back end and takes out the tunnel, bunny tent, or toy box. She actually managed to collapse the tent the other day and I still have no idea how she flattened it like that because it's designed like a pup tent. Even she looked surprised at what she had accomplished! XD