Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Nobunny's perfect.

Simon took a page out of River's playbook and pulled a runner while I was giving him hay before bedtime.  The siren call of the bunny-free zone that is the 2nd floor beckons!  Sometimes even the most hard-working accountabilibunny gives in to temptation.


Mónica López said...

After yesterday's scary experience in the bathroom, Simon now considers himself a survivor and must live life to the fullest.

Anonymous said...

We want second-floor pics! Go Troublemaker Bunnies Go!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Anon!

You're probably right. Now I'm out-numbered (before, I could count on Simon to help reign River in)!

They definitely don't need any encouragement on that front! ;) If only they could be trusted not to do dumb things on the stairs, they'd have free access up there. Seriously, I caught River eyeing vaulting over the open banister (would be a 6 foot drop onto slab) and Simon attempting to binky down the stairs (I caught him mid-leap before he could hurt himself). Danger buns the both of them!