Friday, April 12, 2019

The rectangle of mystery.

No bun knows how long the Coke box obelisk has existed in the living room or what purpose it may have served to those who erected it.  Perhaps it is a tunnel to the sky?  Clearly, this strange artifact requires further study!
Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  We'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.


Mónica López said...

A box! Bunnies, quick! Squeeze your way in!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!

If only they could find a way inside the obelisk! There must be a secret passage somewhere...

Anonymous said...

The A-bun-gers protecting Earth from the six elemental sodas. Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, Mountain Dew, RC Cola, and Fanta

Mónica López said...

Oh God, that last comment was by far the best I've ever seen.

Courtney said...

Hi Anon and Mónica!

Lol--Behold the awesome power of the sugar and caffeine rush! Your thirst will be gone in a snap.

Epic. :)