Thursday, January 16, 2020

Recovery pic.

River:  Crunch!  Munch-munch-munch.
Simon:  Is that a carrot I hear?
River:  [gulp!] ...No.
I don't think he's buying it.  The carrot-breath kinda gives it away.


Anonymous said...

They're so cute! Tell River that I love her, and then whisper to Simon that I love him too. Don't let River hear. I'm hoping feeling extra special will make River feel like a two-year-old bun again!

Mónica López said...

Omg this is so funny: Simon's suspicious face and his ear pulled back to hear the munchs, River's side eye and (for the first time!) guilty face, and her ear actually goes back to block his so he doesn't hear her eat!

Courtney said...

Hi Anon and Mónica!

Aww, thank you and I will! :)

I actually lol'd when I saw what I'd captured. Their expressions are just too perfect (they put me in mind of a Renaissance painting)! ;)