Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Okay Mr. Hoppy-pants, what did I miss while I was out sick?
It's nice seeing River back to her old self again!


Mónica López said...

I'm so happy she has recovered! Is she eating normally? Did she forgive you for all the "anger-eating" eventhough it was for her own good?

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!

She's been hitting the greens pretty hard along with her pellets. I'd like to see her eat some hay, but I'll take what I can get. It usually takes a few days before they're back to normal with their eating habits.

I'm lucky that River seems to understand that I'm trying to help her when I give the medicine and she was pretty good about not fighting me when I was giving it to her. All of the extra attention, noogies, and time on the couch definitely helped put me back in her good book again. The test is if she'll nose-bonk you a hello and take a treat from you. :)