Monday, November 16, 2020

Doing her best.

Mr. Giraffe, I'll save you!  [begins mouth to ear resuscitation]

Her heart's in the right place, but her knowledge of what ears are for is a bit lacking.


Mónica López said...

Somebunny help this sweet nurse help her friend!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!

Oh, I couldn't just leave them like that! You'll be happy to know that Mr. Giraffe made a miraculous instant recovery. I even had him thank his little helper with a nose bonk and cuddle! :)

Anonymous said...

Hm...I wonder who put Mr. Giraffe in that position in the first place. He really ought to get some insurance. xD

Courtney said...

Hi Anon!

Poor Mr. Giraffe was an unfortunate victim of a hit and hop by a certain bun who shall remain nameless. Sadly, crash-test giraffes are very hard to insure! ;)