Monday, November 23, 2020

Mistakes were made.

Literally one yogurt drop too many.  No regrets (because it was stolen from Simon).

What a Pyrrhic victory that was!  Given the epic mess that created, she will have to content herself with dried fruit from now on.  I cannot even.  How can something so small create a mess so large?!  The mind boggles.


Mónica López said...

Oh my God, gurl you are so nasty! She even looks shocked this huge mess happened! So dishelved after this amazing experience hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

"Are you REALLY surprised that I did this?" - River probably

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Anon!

She really was quite offended that I would make her suffer the indignity of a bath. I honestly wonder if she has a functioning sense of smell sometimes because that was really something special. I mean, I've worked in a hospital microbiology lab so bad smells are nothing new to me, but what that little bun produced almost made me gag.

I think we're just going to bin the rest of that little treat bag so nothing like this ever happens again.