Thursday, September 2, 2021

Breakin' the rules!

This is Simon not social distancing from River while she was sick.  This pic was taken a second before River sneezed right in his face.  Don't be like Simon.


Mónica López said...

His love is strong enough to break the rules! Lol her face! She's about to sneeze!

Tarosagi said...

I'm sure Simon meant no harm and wanted to care for River when she wasn't feeling well. I wonder if the sneeze startled the poor little personal space invader?

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

If only! Hopefully she had enough antibiotics in her to not be contagious at that point. I think I managed to capture the nose tickle before she let loose! XD

Oh, yeah--the little fella was just wanting to love on his sister after watching me give medicine every day! He definitely had a 'Why have you done this?!' look about him post-sneeze. I think he learned a valuable lesson in how tickle-y his whiskers can be. :)