Keep Q-tips (cotton swabs) on hand for:
1. Gently cleaning noses, the very outside rim of their ears, and vents/scent glands.
2. Carefully dislodging food (or anything they've chewed on) from their mouth. You'll know something is stuck in there if they keep making chomping movements for a few minutes but you didn't see them just grab something to eat OR they keep sticking their tongue out like a dog with peanut butter on the roof of their mouths. ***This works best if you wet the Q-tip with a mint simple syrup and water mixture so they don't fight you sticking it in their mouth. Be quick and move it in a sweeping motion from one side to the other and forward--you're not trying to ram whatever's in there down their throat!
I've managed to use a Q-tip to dislodge a dried carrot chip that had gotten stuck on the roof of River's mouth that had by that time re-hydrated from all of her spit. I'm honestly amazed she didn't choke on it! Dehydrated carrot has been off the menu ever since.
Lol the manic desperation on her face! These are some nasty consequences of Simon deciding he isn't done with playtime!
Very good tips! Simon looks so pouty, he's outside so he can intercept River's treat and eat it himself!
they're so cute <3
Hi Mónica, Tarosagi, and Bon!
River is serious about getting that bedtime treat, Simon's silliness be darned! ;)
I hope it can help someone else out with knowing what to look for to prevent an even bigger problem! You know, you're probably spot on with Simon trying to intercept River's treat. The little dude can be sneaky.
Aww, thank you--I'll give the little munchkins a noogie for you! :)
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