Monday, October 18, 2021

I got you good!

River pulled a sneaky-sneak and hopped out of her cage while I was setting her food dish in.  This is what bunny laughter looks like--she did a bunny version of a knee slap by pattering her little feet on the floor while standing in this position.  The little munchkin thinks she just pulled the most epic prank ever!


Mónica López said...

Omg so those were the shenanigans she was plotting! Her eyes shine with so much glee! It gives me tons of joy seeing her so happy at having pranked you!

Tarosagi said...

She's such a prankster! Not only did she get fresh yummy food but she's getting a bit of playtime outside her cage!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

I think so too! It was so cute how proud of herself she was that I just played along acting all surprised. :)