Thursday, November 18, 2021

On the move!

Simon is going idea where, but he's gonna get there fast!


Mónica López said...

He is going wherever the need for speed will take him!

Tarosagi said...

Could it be the crinkle of a treats bag or the rattling of a food container, who knows?! But it must be important for him to cancel his appointment with Mr. Giraffe and take off running!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

Lol--his people need him! Superbun to the rescue!!!

Wherever there's a yummy treat, Superbun will be there. Whenever River threatens bunny shenanigans, Superbun will be there too...unless he's also involved with the shenanigans to get more treats. He's an ambivalent superhero. ;)