Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Tuesday's bun just won a race.

To be fair, River only lapped Simon because he went off course to find a snack.


Mónica López said...

She looks so hoppy, but Simon is the true winner, he got a snack!

Tarosagi said...

Simon looks so confused as if he didn’t know he was in a race! If they were actually racing for treats I feel like the race would be a lot less about the spirit of competition and more about how to stop the other one from winning!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

Lol--he hit the snack bar in River's cage! ;)

Oh, yeah. That would turn into the bunny version of a roller derby if they were racing for treats. Poor little River would end up getting hip-checked and go flying as Simon took the lead. >.<