Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Eye in the sky traffic report. 🚁

There's a bit of a slow-down on the Bun-01 due to a stalled bun in the turn lane causing a collision.  Thankfully, nobun was injured.  Back to Mr. Giraffe with a look at the weather in your neck of the woods!


Mónica López said...

Well, looks like they are going to be there for a while! Neither bun has any intention of moving until they get their share of kisses!

Tarosagi said...

Someone tell the toy dump truck that they'll have to take the long way around to get home since it looks like those collided buns will be there for a while!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

Thankfully bunnies don't do road rage, so kisses were exchanged and all was good! The toy denizens of the living room were less than thrilled about an extended commute. ;)