Friday, May 31, 2024

A real who bunnit.

Amos:  Are you okay, Mr. Giraffe?  Who could've done this?!

Naomi:  ...I'm in the tunnel, so it couldn't have been me!  Maybe the soccer ball did it.

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  We'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.


Mónica López said...

Who could have done it? Apart from sweet detective Amos I only see an innocent bunny minding her own business, maybe Mr. Giraffe just fell on his own.

Tarosagi said...

This is absolutely a real who bunnit! There's no way that Naomi could've knocked over Mr. Giraffe since she's in the tunnel but she is making an 'innocent it couldn't have been me!' face and the ball is right next to her.

The weapon, if anything she bunny kicked the soccer ball and then once it bounced off Mr. Giraffe and it bounced back returning to where it was kicked from!

The motive, Amos was spending an inordinate amount of time kissing and grooming Mr. Giraffe and Naomi wanted kisses!

I suggest Amos and Mr. Giraffe should question both the soccer ball and Naomi and corroborate their witness accounts!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!
I think Naomi is going to hire you as her defense attorney. XD

Hi Tarosagi!
You have the makings of a fine detective (or mystery writer) and I'm sure Amos could learn a lot from you! Mr. Giraffe was definitely getting more nose-bonks and kisses from Amos and the soccer ball has been known to go flying off at random when Naomi gets a case of the happy feet. I'm sure Amos and Mr. Giraffe will soon solve the case! :)