Friday, September 27, 2024

8 pounds of bunny in a 4 pound tunnel.

Amos: [muffled] I fit too!

Judging by Naomi's expression, Amos does not, in fact, "fit too."

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  We'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.


Anonymous said...

Dear Amos and Naomi Bun,

It is getting to that time of the year again and I would like to check in with you to see if you have any special requests for Christmas? A bigger tunnel? More treats? More noogies perhaps? Please let me know so I can begin finalizing THE list. Oh, and the Naughty-or-Nice List is also coming along.

Helpful Elf, Happy Elf, Mrs. Paws, and the rest of the Reindeers all say hello.


Santa Paws

Tarosagi said...

That's a lot of bunny in one small tunnel!

Naomi is even longer than the tunnel, and she's definitely not happy that now she's stuck after little Amos wiggled his way in there so that they could snuggle!

Mónica López said...

They will squeeze themselves anywhere! I can't stop laughing thinking that if you lifted the tunnel, the buns would go with it.

Courtney said...

Hi Santa Paws!
We're very excited for our first Christmas and have heard great things about it! We LOVE candy, so please bring us lots of treats! You may need to sneak them past little human because she tries to ration anything sweet...something about us trying to climb the ceiling (wasn't really paying attention because we just had a banana chip). If you could get us a bigger tunnel or a bunny fort, that would be pretty neat too. Little human keeps saying she's waiting for Naomi to stop growing before she makes us a fort so she won't outgrow it, so if you can get Naomi to stop growing, that would be a plus. Thank you very much for whatever you decide to bring!

Please tell Helpful Elf, Happy Elf, Mrs. Paws and the Reindeer 'hi' for us!

Amos and Naomi

Courtney said...

Hi Tarosagi!
It really is! It's funny when Naomi stands in the tunnel, she looks like a little turtle who could just walk off with it on her back. I think she went in there for some 'me' time and Amos just followed her in! XD

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!
Honestly, I was half afraid I'd need to do just that to get them out of it! Amos is showing that he still has no concept of personal space. XD