Thursday, September 26, 2024

Mistakes were made.

Like Icarus, Naomi flew too close to the sun and is now regretting her poor life choices.  That is the face of a bun who knows she's about to be picked up because it's too scary to hop down on her own.

Also, I'm glad that past me thought to put the towel and pillowcase on top of their cages to protect bunny feet from falling through the cage bars should one of them do exactly this.  Baby bunnies can't be trusted to not explore all the dangerous places! 😅


Mónica López said...

The actual PANIC on her eyes lol, this poor girl is going to learn a hard lesson about hopping beyond your possibilities! But I'm sure bunny short term memory will be making an appearence soon and you'll find yourselves having to rescue her again!

Tarosagi said...

Aww poor baby!! She's sniffing the top of the cage hard trying to see if there's a way down by waving her whiskers around and trying to find some footing!

Hopefully she didn't bite or try to leap out of your arms after you rescued her from that altitude, I'm surprised she'd be scared to jump down, but she doesn't mind climbing!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!
Yeah, I'm hoping this little scare will keep her happily at ground level for a while. I'm sure she'll develop amnesia about the whole thing and end up right back on top of the cage again in a week or so. Oh, bunnies!

Hi Tarosagi!
Thankfully, she realized I was trying to help and was pretty good about being picked up and only flailed a bit as I got close to the floor and was about to release her. No nips or scratches, so that's a win! :)
I'm guessing the hopping up to explore is the easy part. Hopping down is hard (kinda like when Simon would fret at the edge of the couch until he worked up his courage or I rescued him).