She's smiling from all the delicious food she's eaten, good to see her taking a liking for it! And it's so sweet how she wants to nose boop you and how proud she is of her bunny art and for finishing her food!
Seriously, River is the master of the sneaky wet nose-bonk! Sometimes she'll pretend like she's busy preening herself to lull you into a false sense of security and once you're distracted cleaning up some mess she's made, she'll whip around and get ya. You hope it's just water on her nose, but know in your heart it isn't. XD
Ooooh dem teefs! She is still trying to reach you! River won't rest until you get nosebonked!
She's smiling from all the delicious food she's eaten, good to see her taking a liking for it! And it's so sweet how she wants to nose boop you and how proud she is of her bunny art and for finishing her food!
Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!
Seriously, River is the master of the sneaky wet nose-bonk! Sometimes she'll pretend like she's busy preening herself to lull you into a false sense of security and once you're distracted cleaning up some mess she's made, she'll whip around and get ya. You hope it's just water on her nose, but know in your heart it isn't. XD
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