Monday, August 23, 2021

Sugar rush!

Caught Simon doing his happy dance after I gave them a slice of banana.  River is still munching on hers, so she's on lock-down to avoid any banana theft.


Mónica López said...

Yeah, you go you funky little fella! I love how he is just living the moment, treats work miracles!

Tarosagi said...

River the banana thief was thwarted again! I bet River has a long rap sheet of stealing banana, because she's so sweet and loves sweets!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

The little fella is livin' his best life in that pic! :)

She was definitely savoring the gooey sweetness of the banana--you could hear her lip smacking from half-way across the room! The little munchkin can't even eat quietly. XD