Friday, August 20, 2021

The scent of clean.

Looks like Simon approves of our choice in laundry detergent!  The little dude seemed fairly offended by River's defiling of the play towels in her attempt to get back at me for the ear drops.

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  Stay safe out there and we'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.


Tarosagi said...

The towels are fresh and ready for play! I'm sure Simon would have done something similar if he had to take yucky medicine, either way it comes off in the wash so it's okay Simon!

Mónica López said...

He is such a squeamish little fella! Simon bun takes the towel business very seriously!

Courtney said...

Hi Tarosagi and Mónica!

Oh, definitely! Though Simon tends to be a bit more nippy towards the towels whenever medicine/force-feeding are involved. I suspect that it simply never occurs to him to pee on the towels until afterwards because he always gets this look on his face like, "Oh, man--I should've done that!".

The little guy has great respect for the play towels, for which I'm thankful because bunnies can create a surprising amount of laundry otherwise! ;)

ShotsFiredandMissed said...

OMG we have the same book. Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Lab Management! I got the 23rd Ed. It was really expensive in my country but was definitely worth it:)

Courtney said...

Hi ShotsFiredandMissed!

Lol--small world! Yeah, that one was pricey here too, though I'm definitely showing my age with it being the 19th edition (I'm sure textbook prices have only increased since I did my clinical year). :)