Friday, December 24, 2021

It'll be okay.

Santa will be here soon!

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  We'll be back tomorrow with a special holiday post.


Mónica López said...

Awww Simon bun is so nervous, but he and his sisters have been good bunnies so they will get tons of presents! I hope they and their humans have an awesome night!

Anonymous said...

Dear Simon and River Bun,

Do not worry, you will definitely get plenty of presents. I have you on my VERY, VERY GOOD List. Also, the Reindeer thank you for the nose bonk and would like to return the compliment. The elves all say hello and wish they could come on this trip to see you two, but I told them they'd have to ride in the very back (they did not like that).

Anyway, I will see you in a few hours!


Santy Paws

Tarosagi said...

Don't worry Simon! You and River are going to get so many presents and treats, it'll be the best Christmas yet! Be happy, run around and hop to tire yourselves out so you can fall asleep fast and wake up to all the gifts Santa will bring!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica, Santy Paws, and Tarosagi!

I've reassured the little munchkins that lots of presents and treats await them tomorrow. They're being good little buns and are fast asleep as I type this.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! :)