I think Simon agrees that the idea to flop is genius, but River has already claimed the prime flopping spot. Now he has to decide if he wants to accept the second best spot or attempt to push River across the towel.
I think Simon should be a good brother and settle for second place he should be a good sport and not use his heft to push River from the prime flop spot. River got there first again she’s won two races this week, better luck next time Simon!
Simon, flop as well! With your bunny mass you will push her aside!
I think Simon should be a good brother and settle for second place he should be a good sport and not use his heft to push River from the prime flop spot. River got there first again she’s won two races this week, better luck next time Simon!
Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!
He might be facing an uphill battle on that one because we've learned that it's almost impossible to push a bunny across carpet! ;)
Thankfully, Simon ultimately decided to just flop next to her and get some quality snuggle time in! :)
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