Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The floor is lava!

Simon's access to the purple towel has been denied by the sneaky lava monster.  Seriously, that is a bunny who hates slippery floors!


Anonymous said...

Rivers like "The floor is not lava you dummy, it's comfy"

Anonymous said...

Yes, the floor is lava. Look how melted River is. xD

Mónica López said...

You may have to carry him to the safety of the purple blanket!

Courtney said...

Hi Anon1, Anon2, and Mónica!

I really do think that River messes with him and moves the purple towel on purpose simply because it amuses her. Simon could easily be trapped in the center of the living room if you simply moved all of his purple towel bridges. No worries--little human to the rescue restoring his path to snuggles in their favorite flopping corner! :)