Monday, February 17, 2020

Hoppy President's Day.

River:  I am Queen of all I survey!
Simon:  No, thanks.  I prefer a representative democracy!


Anonymous said...

Can Queen River please close schools for President's Day?

Mónica López said...

I love how specially long Simon looks and how chonky River is. Also, you alwsys manage to catch her with her disgruntled bunny face hahahaha

Courtney said...

Hi Anon and Mónica!

I'll entreat her for a holiday school closing edict for you, but you'd probably have better luck under Simon's form of government. I don't envision too many people voting 'no' for a holiday! ;)

This pic had a really odd perspective due to the camera angle, didn't it? I think River has adopted the resting cranky bun face in her golden years! :)