Thursday, December 24, 2020

Action and reaction.

 I always love the candid shots where one bunny surprises the other!


Anonymous said...

Dear Simon and River Bun,

As you know, I will be visiting you later tonight so I was wondering if you could get your hoomins to set me up with a Cheese steak or a large Hoagie with Potato Chips and a frosty bottle of Root Beer? Going down chimneys wearing a full HAZMAT suit gets to be tiring...oh and could you have them leave me a large towel as well? I get very sweaty inside this special suit.

Now remember, you both and your hoomins must be asleep before I arrive or I will have to bypass your house. Make sure they are tucked into bed. Nail their blankets down if you must as long as they are in a blanket burrito like they would do to you both for nail clippings and medicine.

Helpful Elf says hi and is ready to go with me and Mrs Paws on the traditional three-month tropical vacation afterwards...wait until I tell her we cannot go because of covid!

Anyway, be good buns and I will see you later.


Santy Paws

Mónica López said...

She is like: "Bruh!"
PS:Hoppy Christmas bunbuns! May Santa leave you tons of presents to you and your good humans!

Courtney said...

Dear Santy Paws,

We will make sure the little human makes you the best Cheese steak outside of Philly with lots of potato chips and frosty cold root beer (packed up for take-out because of covid)!

No worries on the humans being asleep when you get here--we made sure they had to chase us around a lot this evening...totally, mostly not due to bunny shenanigans. River wants to wrap the little human up in a towel anyway, which may or may not be payback for earlier this year, but you said it was okay to do, so that's what she's gonna do!

Hmm...maybe the towel trick would work on Mrs. Paws too--just make sure to give her lots of treats after you tell her that your vacation had to be cancelled.

Tell Helpful Elf and Mrs. Paws 'hi' for us!

Stay safe out there Santa and Merry Christmas!

Simon and River

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!

She was like, "Dude--you almost rolled over!"

Aww, thanks! Wishing you a very Hoppy Christmas as well! :)