Tuesday, April 26, 2022


After greeting their new bunny friend, Scoots McGee, River felt the need to reassure Mr. Giraffe that he is super cool too.


Alex said...

Mr Giraffe is the best !

Mónica López said...

Of course, he's the original cool guy! He deserves kisses from that lovely mouth!

Tarosagi said...

Scoots McGee is a great name! They're all cool and they can all be best of friends, they're all important to River and Simon and all unique in their own ways!

Anonymous said...

Everyone in the world should try to be more like River. By which I mean small and round and fluffy and cute, but also kind I guess.

Courtney said...

Hi Alex!

He really is the best $4.99 impulse bunny toy purchase I've ever made. From day one they've both always given him a nose-bonk hello whenever they see him! :)

Hi Mónica!

He is so cool that he got the trifecta of a nose-bonk, kisses, and a chinning! River was taking no chances that he felt left out.

Hi Tarosagi!

Aww, thanks! The bunnies are amassing quite a unique social circle. ;)

Hi Anon!

I agree. If they can't be round, fluffy, and cute, they should at least be kind because that's a trait we can all work on! :)