Wednesday, September 14, 2022

This is nice!

I caught Simon relishing his newly cleaned cage complete with a freshly laundered purple towel.  He looks like he's contemplating eating more pellets after a good nap.


Mónica López said...

Looks like cage cleanings aren't so bad after all, right Simon bun?

Tarosagi said...

Simon is definitely the neater of the two bunnies, since he definitely doesn't get mad when you clean his house, but maybe he just doesn't appreciate art the way River does? And look at him napping and snacking at the same time, that's comfy!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

Simon definitely appreciates clean surroundings more than River does. He'll even help me by scooting out of the way as I go from one area to another without any prompting! :)