Monday, January 30, 2023

Mondays are bananas!

That's why after River finished her dessert and had a bit of breakfast, she promptly took a nap.  Best to ease into a Monday if you can!


Mónica López said...

Oh she is the luckiest bun in the world; a sweet treat and then good nap, there's no better way to start the week!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!

Aww, I'll give the little munchkin a noogie for you to make the week's start even better! :)

Hi Tarosagi!

I'll let River know that she has inspired you to try living the bun life (or as much as we humans can)! ;)
I think banana coins would be the ultimate bunny currency. Gotta love a currency that grows itself with no need of a bank/investment. There would be so many spherical bunnies 'hoarding' their wealth, though!