Wednesday, October 11, 2023

A new friend!

Simon:  Hello! [lick]

River:  I'm lower.  Gimme kisses, new guy!


Tarosagi said...

Ooh very nice, that's a bunny I haven't seen before, I wonder what amazing stories it has to share with River and Simon?
And it looks like both have them have already taken a liking to bronze bunny since they're showering bronze bunny with lots of kisses!

Mónica López said...

Wow River that is very rude! That's no way to introduce yourself to a new friend! At least be like your brother and provide some kisses first!

Courtney said...

Hi Tarosagi!
Bronze bunny was a fast friend, but he eventually had to be placed in his own little cubby in the entertainment center because he was a bit too hard around the edges and rough-housing around him would've resulted in injury. Simon would go over and give him kisses so he felt included, though! :)

Hi Mónica!
She definitely wanted to get started training him to give kisses on command as soon as possible! XD