Thursday, May 23, 2024

My boys. 💕

Amos would like to point out that he isn't little; Big Human is just really, really tall!


Mónica López said...

I'm trying to see his point of view, but he is just so smol and smoochable. It's okay Amos, you are a little big fella.

Alex said...

Don’t worry Amos, you ´re the tallest Bunny I ever seen.

Tarosagi said...

Yeah! Big human is called big human for a reason, and Amos is the perfect size and I wouldn't change a thing about him!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!
He really is! I call him baby bear when he's trying to act all big. I think he likes his nick-name. :)

Hi Alex!
I try to help him out with the low camera angles (and the fact that I'm short). ;)

Hi Tarosagi!
Amos is definitely fun-sized! It is so hard to resist the urge to pick him up and hug him, but he's happy to come up for noogies and a quick snuggle before he hops off to do baby bunny things. :)