Friday, June 14, 2024

A case of the munchies.

All that running around and binkying works up a mighty appetite!

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  We'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.


Anonymous said...

It might just be the perspective, but Naomi looks so much bigger than Amos in that picture. It lines up with the size comparison you did with the ruler a little bit ago.

Courtney said...

Hi Anon!
Yeah, Naomi is definitely going to be a big girl once she's fully grown. She's a Holland lop, but I don't think she got the dwarf gene (she'd be that 25% in the genetics/biology class Punnett square probability that wouldn't get the gene), so she'll most likely end up around 5 pounds or a bit over instead of the under 4 pound cut-off for a true dwarf. Amos is a very small Holland lop, who is similar in size to our old girl, River, who was hovering around 3 pounds most of her adult life.

I'm just glad that they're both happy to snuggle and give kisses even if it's through the bars of their cages since we have to keep them separated until they can be spayed/neutered at the moment. Their personalities seem to mesh well, so hopefully there won't be too many bumps in the road when we can fully bond them after their surgeries. :)

Mónica López said...

My my so much hunger contained in two tiny bodies! Has the shoving match started yet? If there is something bunnies know is that in war and food, there's no friends nor family, if Naomi's overly excited eyes are any indication. Remember, buns, sharing is caring!

Tarosagi said...

The munchies can strike at any moment and in this case it looks like they both have a case of the munchies! They're doing a great job of sharing that bowl of food, and my goodness Naomi is a big girl and a very nice bumble bun.

I know you measured them when they were both splooting but having them side by side also makes for a striking difference in size! I'm sure there will be a lot of exciting, yet playful bun-per car matches in the future!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!
There was a little bit of shoving going on, but soon they realized that if they just took turns putting their head in the bowl, everybun could munch in peace. Hooray for learning! :)

Hi Tarosagi!
I was amazed they could both fit their heads in at the same time. They really are 90% fluff!

It is funny the size difference between them. She usually gets an extra scoop or so of pellets per day. That little girl can put away some food! XD