Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Playing doctor.

Naomi:  Mr. Giraffe, you have a tag on your butt!  Here, I'll help remove it for you.

Amos:  I wanna help do minor surgery too!

Mr. Giraffe:  [muffled] I need an adult!!!

No worries--Mr. Giraffe was whisked away before the bunnies could do any cosmetic surgery on him. 

Speaking of surgeries, Amos and Naomi will be getting neutered/spayed this Thursday, so I'll be posting later than usual that day and update when I bring them back home.


Mónica López said...

She looks so determined to chew (and maybe eat) that tag! Oh bunnies, I'm so sorry for what's coming. It may be scary to go back to the vet but it's a necessary evil so there aren't any more furry friends at home! Let's just hope their reunion isn't as hilarious as Simon and River was lol!

Tarosagi said...

Oh my goodness, I hope that Mr. Giraffe doesn't try to sue for malpractice, since I'm sure that removing his tag is an unnecessary, elective surgery!

I hope that Amos and Naomi's surgeries goes well!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!
She really was focused!
Yeah, can't be outnumbered by bunnies and this will prevent some nasty cancers down the road. They also had their second vaccine shot last week and they're fully recovered from that so this hopefully will be the last major vet trip for a while.

Lol--thanks for that memory of Simon and River's reunion! Thankfully (?) we separated Amos and Naomi before they got to the head-humping stage of the dominance displays, so there isn't any baggage there. Neither appear to be super stubborn like Simon and River were, so we're hoping they can figure out a clear 'alpha' bun with as little drama as possible.

Hi Tarosagi!
We're lucky that Mr. Giraffe is a really good sport about the antics the bunnies get up to!

Aww, thanks--I'll give the little munchkins a good luck noogie and treat for you and keep you updated on how they're doing! :)