Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Follow the leader!

This is one of Amos' favorite games, but he's also learned that you can't follow Naomi too closely when she goes under the ramp or you'll get a face full of bunny feet.  Honestly, I'm amazed that she can still fit herself under there!


Mónica López said...

Bunnies will find away to squish themselves into the tightest corners! Glad little Amos learned his lesson and is now waiting like a polite little fella.

Tarosagi said...

I would definitely not stand in Naomi's six if I were you Amos, you might get a mule kick and we all know that Naomi has some of the strongest legs from all the time she's spent shaving off time on her land-bun speed record!

He should instead try to smoosh himself into the tunnel from the front so that Naomi doesn't get surprised and accidentally kicks him!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!
They really do! Naomi still stares wistfully at the gap under the couch even though there's no way she's fitting under there even if the cardboard bunny proofing were removed. A girl can dream! ;)

Hi Tarosagi!
Yup, that girl can definitely pack a wallop! We're lucky that Amos is a quick learner.
Oh, he has tried that before and discovered that bunnies aren't stackable under the ramp and it only makes Naomi annoyed because her fur gets ruffled in the wrong direction while the ramp/tent gets lifted up, so it's less fun to be under. Little dude had some extreme apologizing to do after that fiasco! XD