Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Hoppin' your way.

River tries to make up for lost time by going Mach Bun to get the cuteness to you faster!


Anonymous said...

Mach Bun has the potential to be a franchise. Seriously, imagine a fictional movie about bunnies who run civilization, then just focus on a bun who wants to be the fastest bun of all time

Reuben said...

Or remake TopGun with bunnies. That would also be acceptable. :3

Mónica López said...

Actually, anything with bunnies in it will look good.

Courtney said...

Hi Anon, Reuben, and Mónica!

Oh, my--so much bunny film potential for Simon and River to run with! ;)

When I get a chance, I'll have to see if I can put together some clips with them trying to break land speed records and set it to some music.