Thursday, August 20, 2020

It was bound to happen.

The couch ate Simon.


Anonymous said...

Dear Simon and River,

It is with great distress that I find out that Simon has been eaten by the couch. I fear that any rabid protestations on my part will be for naught as the couch is known for having an overactive digestive system especially for fluffy bunnies.

It is too bad seeing as I would have delivered plenty of presents for him this coming Christmas and possibly even make him the first ever Presibun! But alas, that ship has sunk. Woe betide us who are left behind...

In loving nanas,

Santa Paws

Mónica López said...

We will have to pull him out like Winnie the Pooh! Simon bun will think twice before goofing around in that couch again!

Courtney said...

Hi Santa Paws and Mónica!

Thankfully, with a couple of well-placed nips and a little help from the little human, the couch relinquished its prey and Simon is no worse for wear! ;)

I can only hope Simon learned his lesson, but have a sinking suspicion that the little fella will assume the 'hole' he crashed into is a tunnel to the coolest bunny adventure ever. I'm half amazed that River hasn't discovered this particular design feature of our couch and exploit it yet!