Thursday, October 8, 2020

Plotting revenge.

You know, the second time I peed on the little human today didn't bring quite the same feeling of accomplishment as the first.  I think I'm going to have to change things up and pee in her shoe or something.

Poor River can't seem to catch a break.  She ended up with an ear infection and snuffles, so she's entering day 8 of ear drops and banana flavored antibiotics...and more force-feeding.  One more week to go! 

Update:  12:35am River is eating alfalfa hay!!!  This is the first hay of any kind she's managed to eat since June.  Huzzah!!!


Mónica López said...

Oh my God, this poor girl keeps hopping from illness to illness. I love how her imediate protest was to pee on you... twice. Bet she was thinking "First time was a warning pee, second one, you brought it upon yourself, human."
I'm so glad she is eating hay again! You go River!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!

I know--I feel so bad for the little munchkin! I had to force feed her a few times today, but this time (probably through dumb luck) her attempts at soaking me in pee didn't make it past the towels so I didn't have to take multiple showers in one day, which was a nice change of pace.

I'm really hoping that her willingness to eat a bit of oat and alfalfa hay are a sign of her turning a corner on her health issues and that it means she's starting to feel like her old self again. We're back at square one with her weight again, but we'll just have to be patient until she's done with the meds and gets her appetite back. I'll definitely keep you guys updated and give her (and Simon) noogies for you! :)

Anonymous said...

I love River, really hope she gets better :(

Courtney said...

Hi Anon!

Aww, thank you so much! I'll give the little munchkin some get well soon noogies for you. :)