Thursday, October 22, 2020

Gotta run!

When being chased to go back in his cage, Simon's code of 'the floor is lava' is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules.


Mónica López said...

Anything is legal when you are trying to have more playtime!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!

The little fella was being very creative in finding legal loopholes for playtime extension (including attempting to flout the laws of gravity...big emphasis on 'attempting'). ;)

Anonymous said...

Look at those dumbbells! I didn't know Simon was a gym freak haha

Courtney said...

Hi Anon!

Yeah, Simon uses big human's weights as his own personal obstacle/agility training course. River just likes to snuggle down between them because it's cozy. :)